Aircraft Management, Acquisitions and Sales by Jecobra

Part 91 Management

Whether you are a seasoned aircraft owner or just acquired your first aircraft, partnering with an experienced team to provide high quality aircraft management can make a colossal difference in your aircraft ownership experience. It is crucial for private jet owners to utilize a professional aircraft management company like Jecobra Aviation because it ensures the safe, efficient, and cost-effective operation of your aircraft. 


Safety is our top priority. At Jecobra, we implement rigorous safety protocols that include regular audits, crew training, and proactive risk management. Our experienced team ensures your aircraft operates within the highest safety standards, giving you peace of mind with every flight.

What does Aircraft Management entail?

We bring accredited expertise and decades of experience in handling the complex logistics and regulatory requirements associated with private jet ownership, allowing you to maximize the utility and value of your investment while minimizing risks and operational burdens.
Aircraft Management boils down to the oversight and management of what Jecobra Aviation coins “The 3 Ms"


Jecobra handles all of your flight operations and associated ownership implications, including: 
Dispatching and Scheduling
Concierge Level Trip Support
Crew Staffing
Dry Lease Offset
Fuel Programs


Our maintenance tracking and consulting guarantees your aircraft is kept in peak condition. We manage all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance including inspections, repairs, and upgrades, working with trusted service providers to ensure that every maintenance task is done to the highest standard. Regular and transparent communication is paramount when it comes to managing the maintenance on your aircraft, we consistently and proactively audit your aircraft’s maintenance schedule to ensure you are informed of the timeline and nature of upcoming tasks well in advance so that there is no unforeseen interruption of your travel schedule due to scheduled maintenance events.


Aircraft ownership entails a myriad of bills - from monthly and annual fixed subscriptions to variable trip related expenses. Managing the expenses can quickly become chaotic without the right team to wrangle the chaos. We provide transparent financial management with detailed expense tracking and monthly reporting. Jecobra helps you optimize operational costs, offering clear insights into aircraft ownership expenses while ensuring your investment is managed efficiently and cost-effectively.
Detailed Expense Tracking & Consolidation
Monthly Accounting Statements for Fixed and Variable Expenses
Periodic Usage and Budget Reports


Tailored Solutions

Every owner is unique. We adapt our services to meet your specific needs and goals.

Decades of Experience

Our team’s extensive experience ensures your aircraft is managed with precision and care.

Client-Centric Focus

We prioritize long-term relationships, ensuring consistent service and attention to detail.

Ready to Simplify Your Aircraft Ownership?

Contact us today to discuss your Part 91 management needs. We’re here to help you enjoy every aspect of your aviation investment
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